p r o j e c t s: september 11, 2001
"The most humanely eloquent photograph in the exhibition was taken by the Magnum printer Adam Wiseman, an employee who does not even belong to the agency's cadre of photographers. He photographed people reacting to the scene from a distance, rather than the scene itself - perhaps admitting that the event was incomprehensible, uncontainable by the camera. The body language of the bystanders is mutely expressive. One woman covers her ears, another clasps her hands in front of her mouth. Blocking these vents, they are stifling their cries, aware that no response is adequate. A man hugs his young son, who remains mercifully unconscious that a world is ending. But in this transfixed, paralysed, silent group, there is still someone with the steely reflexes of the artist: a tourist has raised his camera to capture a few thousand deaths." Peter Conrad The Observer.